Definition of Fire Insurance

Fire Insurance
Fire insurance has not a long history. The real establishment of fire insurance came only after the great fire of London in 1066. This fire lasted for four days and nights burning over 436acres of ground and destroying over 13,000 buildings was the most disastrous fire in history and forcibly awakened the people to the necessity for a form of protecting against such calamities.

Type of Company

types of company
To formalize your organization, first learn about and decide which business type is right for you. There are different types of company such as:
1. Private Company limited by shares
2. Public Company limited by shares
3. Company limited by Guarantee
4. Unlimited Company

Why a Company is Incorporated?

To prevent the mischief arising from large trading undertaking being carried on by large fluctuating bodies, so that persons dealing with them would not know with whom they are contracting and so might be put to great difficulty and expanse. This was a public mischief to be redressed. One difficulty relating to unincorporated bodies was regarding the power to sue or be sued. The second and most important disadvantage of the absence of incorporation was that members could not limit their liability.