Alterations, Changes and Modifications of the Articles of Associations

Any alterations, changes, modifications or amendments of the Articles of Associations also require certain statutory steps/measures:

a. Resolution of the Board of Directors
b. Special Resolution of the Members as per Sec 20
c. Filing of return to the RJSC along altered articles of association through Form-VIII.
d. Obtain certified copy of the articles of association along with amendments.

Any alterations, changes, modifications and amendments so made shall be valid as if originally contained in the articles. The alteration must not contravene the provision of companies Act and should be fair and for the benefit of the company as well as the shareholders. 

Where an alteration, changes, modifications or amendments is made in the Memorandum and Articles of Associations of a company, every copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Associations issued after the date of the alteration shall be in accordance with the alteration as per Act., failing of which there is a penalty measures in the Act. 


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